Thomas Toke Lynch

This is the Big Week by Mark Edwards

Well, this is the big week. According to the planners -- which barely includes me -- things seems to be coming together for the "Honey" Memorial Concert Saturday evening at 6. It's going to be magnificent. Here's the link to more of the specifics and  a link to perhaps share with others:

I hope you can attend, but second best would be to watch the live-stream on the First Baptist Church, Nashville website --

Our regular Tuesday morning Bible Study group met this morning and there was talk about all the goings-on this weekend when Rusty's tongue-in-cheek comment was something to the effect that, "all the hoopla in her memory would be just as Honey would have wanted!" Yeah, right! Then, Jason chimed in with, "I'm going to do my part in her memory by going to the main parking lot entrance and greeting people." I'm not completely sure how heaven works, but if she's aware of all this down here, she's scratching her head in total wonderment. Still, it's nice to see and hear who is coming from far and near -- she'd be all over that part for sure! 

The accompanying big deal is that the Notes From Susie books have arrived. Whoohoo! The final prep took longer than we expected but once we released the manuscript to the printer, they delivered finished books in three days. We are still impressed! The book is exactly four hundred pages, but only 370 are Honey and me -- mostly her. Nathan and Weslee each wrote a few pages about how they coached their kids through Honey's illness and death, and my brother Randy wrote a couple of updates toward the end of Honey's life. Our friend Ragan Courtney wrote the Foreward -- as only her can do; and our friend Gordon Brown designed the cover -- as only he can do. We couldn't be more pleased with the book, and, as Tom McAfee reminded me, it will be especially good down the road for the grandkids. Thanks, Tom, for that reminder and the opportunity to share our story. Books may be purchased or picked-up Saturday night or ordered online -- Shipping begins Monday. 

(What would we do without website links?)

Life has not slowed down much at all. Last week, I finally completed a couple of fun but odd-job projects in the shop for two friends. I like minor but interesting shop projects -- those that a real woodworker doesn't have time to mess with and can't make a living at; but many times they are more to me like a puzzle I enjoy figuring out. But, the best thing is that I get to use my vision statement -- "I may not be very good at this, but I AM slow!" Maybe around Christmas I'll remember to show you the interesting project just completed for my neighbor across the sidewalk. We bartered that project -- I built the piece and she made my yard attractive. Win-win! 

I also continue to do little church music on the side -- two Sundays recently at Forrest Hills Baptist Church for Wayne, mentoring the musicians at nearby Brentwood UMC, and standing in for Joe downtown some in the next couple of weeks. As they say, "it's wonderful work if you can get it." So, maybe I should change my business cards to "Music Minister At-Large" -- or not! 

Sunday was Pentecost which celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit to empower the church. Here's an old hymn set to a thirteenth-century plainsong that we could have sung. I love it. 

Gracious Spirit, dwell with me, I would gracious be;

help me now Thy grace to see, I would be like Thee; 

and, with words that help and heal, Thy life would mine reveal;

and, with actions bold and meek, for Christ my Savior speak.

Truthful Spirit, dwell with me, I would truthful be; 

help me now Thy truth to see, I would be like Thee; 

and, with wisdom kind and clear, Thy life in mine appear; 

and, with actions, lovingly, speak Christ's sincerity.

Holy Spirit, dwell with me, I would holy be; 

show Thy mercy tenderly, make me more like Thee; 

separate from sin I would and cherish all things good, 

and whatever I can be give Him who gave me Thee. 

Mighty Spirit, dwell with me, I would mighty be; 

help me now Thy power to see, I would be like Thee;

'gainst all weapons hell can wield, be Thou my strength and shield;

let Thy word my weapon be, Lord, Thine the victory.


Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me - Thomas Toke Lynch, 1855


Looking forward to seeing many of our Herd this weekend. 
-- Mark