One Year

Memory is a Good Thing: One Year Later

Unbelievably, it was a year ago today that Honey died. Phone calls, emails, and texts have been received all day and are certainly appreciated. I think about her and miss her off and on every day.  Every morning when the outside temperature cooperates, I go in the guest room that became her sick room remembering her last days in there, to open the shades and brighten the room like unto her.  Even that near daily liturgy is not unduly sad for me but rather another occasion to remember, celebrate, and give thanks for who Honey was and for the gift that was mine those almost-forty-five years.  Memory is a good thing, you know, and I hope to never lose that part of my memory.

On this first anniversary of Honey’s death some things are springing to life related to the release of our book – Notes From Susie: Choosing Gratitude in Life’s Low Places.  Our new website ( goes live today and includes:

  • this blog
  • a video that tells the story of the book featuring Weslee, Nathan, and me
  • links to a new Facebook and Twitter page for the book
  • a few excerpts from the book
  • information about the book's release and book signings
  • a link to pre-order the book

(All this would be more than amusing to Honey you understand.)

Also, plans continue at YouthCue, Inc., and Celebrating Grace, Inc., for the Susie Edwards Memorial Concert, May 21, 6:00 PM at First Baptist Church, Nashville, TN.  This is a free concert that will benefit the Children’s Freedom Choir in south Nashville.  A large choir composed of area churches and friends of our family will sing some fine music accompanied by full orchestra and conducted by my brother Randy (who initiated this event all on his own) for choir singers is necessary and still open.  Our long-time friends Ragan Courtney and Cynthia Clawson are featured guests.  I am, reportedly, going to sign books so I’m already practicing my signature.

Perhaps not so coincidentally, today is also Maundy Thursday– a commemoration of Jesus’ washing the disciples’ feet, His institution of communion at the supper in the upper room, the garden of Gethsemane experience, and Judas’ betrayal.  After the betrayal, Jesus gave His disciples a new commandment, a mandatum (Latin) from which we get the word “Maundy” – “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another.  Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.” (John13:34)  Honey not only knew that commandment, she almost personified it.  She naturally loved and valued everyone.

A couple days ago I ran across a solo arrangement of an old hymn I wrote and played for Cynthia Clawson to sing in our church more than twenty years ago.  Re-purposed in a haunting minor key (Cynthia’s good idea) seemed to be a fitting improvement over the original, bringing fresh light to the lyric:

Christ, the transforming light touches this heart of mine,

   piercing the darkest night, making His glory shine.


Oh, to reflect His grace, causing the world to see

  love that will glow till others shall know

  Jesus revealed in me.

Here, Lord, I bring my heart, my love, my strength, my will;

  cleanse me in every part with all Thy Spirit fill.

Triumphant peace is mine, now Jesus lives within;

  He giveth joy divine and victory over sin.

Oh, to reflect His grace, causing the world to see

  love that will glow till others shall know

  Jesus revealed in me.

                        “Jesus, Revealed in Me” –  words Gipsy Smith

Honey loved for me to play and “sing at” that arrangement.  Because she was a keeper of Jesus’ new commandment, she was a reflector of His grace and “glower” of His love to the point that others saw Jesus revealed in her…even yet.  Good job, Honey!

Yep, memory is a good thing!
