Video: Mark speaks to Choral Festival attendees in Jacksonville, Florida, Part I

Please enjoy this video, the first of a two-part series, recorded live at the Inspire! National Choral Festival. It features excerpts from Mark Edwards' personal reflections on Notes from Susie: Choosing Gratitude in Life's Low Places. In Part One, Mark shares the story of his life with Susie, his wife whom he called "Honey", and their journey with terminal illness. The Festival took place in Jacksonville, Florida, in April, earlier this year. 


Reaction to Mark Edwards' Presentation: 

Mark Edwards has been a model of ministry in my life for years.  His mind, his music, his worship leadership and philosophy, and his overall ministry have helped to shape who I am and what I do.  A special strength of his life and work has always been the implementation of hymns.  These time-tested expressions of faith are integral to Mark’s effectiveness as a mentor, minister and friend.

It was not surprising, then, that his use of hymn texts was so incredibly significant in his presentation of NOTES FROM SUSIE.  I recently heard this presentation in Florida, to a room filled with hymn lovers and singers.  I noted that my response was similar to the  tears and nods of appreciation from across the room as Mark shared the story and resultant impact of the journey he and his beloved Susie had travelled during the months following her cancer diagnosis.  His words of wisdom about gratitude, his four pillars of description of God’s provision, and his use of so many poignant and powerful hymn texts (recited from memory!) were all incredible aspects to the presentation.

I heartily recommend NOTES FROM SUSIE to you.  The book itself, of course, coupled with Mark’s potent, effective presentation about its process and impact, are highly inspirational.   I was encouraged in the faith and found my spirit both soothed and strengthened.

Billy Orton, Minister of Music and Worship
First Baptist Church, Huntsville, AL